US President Joe Biden signs order to return US to Paris Agreement, WHO, ends Muslim travel ban

 The new US President has halted the construction of Trump's border wall with Mexico by terminating the administration's national emergency declaration that helped fund the building of the wall. 

Newly sworn-in US President Joe Biden signed almost 15 executive orders from the Oval Office on the first day of his administration to undo his predecessor Donald Trump's key policies over the last four years. 

Within hours of taking the oath of office, President Biden recommitted the US to battling the COVID-19 pandemic, economic crisis and climate crisis. He said that the executive actions will help change the course of the COVID crisis, combat climate change in a way they had not done before, advance racial equity in support of underserved communities and rebuild economies.

He said that there is no time to start but today and added that there is a long way to go, as these are just executive actions and they will need legislations for a lot of things they are planning to do. 

President Joe Biden reverses Trump's policies: Key Highlights

• The first executive order signed by President Joe Biden was on COVID-19, aimed at boosting the federal response to the coronavirus crisis. The order mandates masks to be worn and social distancing be kept on Federal property.

• The second-order signed by President Biden commits support to underserved communities.

• The third order recommits the United States to the Paris Climate Accord, from which former President Trump had formally withdrawn the US in 2020. 

• The new President also halted US withdrawal from the World Health Organisation and recommitted to fight alongside the international body. 

• President Biden also ended Trump's Muslim travel ban, which blocked travel to the US from several predominantly Muslim and African countries.

• He also halted the construction of Trump's border wall with Mexico by terminating the administration's national emergency declaration that helped fund the building of the wall. 

• He also revoked the presidential permit that was granted to the Keystone XL Pipeline project. Several environmentalists had been protesting against the project since over a decade.

• Biden has also signed an order to strengthen the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to protect immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation. 

• He has also signed an executive order, revoking the Trump administration's plan to exclude non-citizens from the census count. 

• He has also revoked a Trump executive order that demanded aggressive action to find and deport unauthorised immigrants.


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